Analyse Jours de gloire - Website dedicated to Frédéric Bey wargames and articles

Jours de gloire Jours de gloire

Website dedicated to Frédéric Bey wargames and articles

Jours de Gloire series


The Jours de Gloire series is dedicated to Napoleon's victories and to their 200th anniversary celebrations.

The original rules were the result of a close collaboration with Richard H. Berg in 1997 (Victory rules that became Glory! for ACW and Triumph & Glory for Napoleonic) and with Marc Bransdma (French adaptation). Jours de Gloire has now been living on its own for several years, capitalizing on the experience of more than 2500 games played in tournament during the yearly Trophée du Bicentenaire.

Marengo 1800 has been listed as nominee for 2000 CSR Awards Best Magazine Published Boardgame.

Three Days of Glory has been listed as nominee for 2021 CSR Awards Best Napoleonic Board Wargame.

In 2001, Jours de Gloire Campagne rules were developed to cover another game scale (operational level).

Jours de Gloire:

  1. Rivoli 1797 (Vae Victis #18)
  2. Les Pyramides 1798 (Vae Victis #23)
  3. Zurich 1799 (Vae Victis #29)
  4. Marengo 1800 (Vae Victis #35)
  5. Canope 1801 (Canons en Cartons)
  6. Montebello 1800 (Canons en Cartons)
  7. Lonato 1796 (C3i Magazine #14)
  8. Austerlitz 1805 (sud) (Vae Victis #58)
  9. Haslach and Elchingen 1805 (Canons en Carton)
  10. Austerlitz 1805 (nord) (Vae Victis #64)
  11. Dürrenstein and Schöngraben 1805 (Canons en Carton)
  12. Iéna 1806 (Vae Victis #71)
  13. Maïda and Castel Nuovo 1806 (Canons en Carton)
  14. Schleiz, Saalfeld and Auerstaedt 1806 (Canons en Carton)
  15. Eylau 1807 (Vae Victis #77)
  16. Friedland 1807 (Canons en Carton)
  17. Borkowo 1806 (Vae Victis Hors-série #10)
  18. Medina de Rioseco and Somosierra 1808 (Vae Victis #83)
  19. Roliça and Vimeiro 1808 (Canons en Carton)
  20. Aspern-Essling 1809 (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  21. Gospitch and Ocaña 1809 (Canons en Carton)
  22. Almeida and Bussaco 1810 (Canons en Cartons & Hexasim)
  23. Fuentes de Oñoro, Foz d'Arouce and El Bodón 1811 (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  24. The Berezina 1812 (Ludifolie Editions & Canons en Carton)
  25. Hanau 1813 (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  26. Montmirail and Vauchamps 1814 (Ludifolie Editions & Canons en Carton)
  27. Les Quatre-Bras and Waterloo 1815 (Ludifolie Editions & Canons en Carton)
  28. Arcole 1796 (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  29. Ligny and Wavre 1815 (Ludifolie Editions & Canons en Carton)
  30. Early Glories (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  31. Issy 1815 (C3i Magazine #32)
  32. Three Days of Glory (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)
  33. Les Quatre-Bras and Waterloo 1815 - second edition (Ludifolie Editions & Canons en Carton)
  34. La Garde avance! (Vae Victis #161)
  35. Early Glories - second edition (Vae Victis Collection Jeux d'Histoire)
  36. Aspern-Essling 1809 - second edition (Vae Victis Collection Jeux d'Histoire)
  37. Two Years of Glory (Vae Victis Wargames Collection)

Jours de Gloire Campagne:

  1. Danube: Hohenlinden 1800, Austerlitz 1805, Wagram 1809 (Vae Victis #41)
  2. Poland: Pultusk 1806, Eylau and Friedland 1807, Poland 1812-1813 (Vae Victis #47)
  3. France: Valmy 1792, France 1814 (Vae Victis #52)
  4. Germany 1813 : from Lützen to Leipzig (Canons en Cartons & Hexasim)

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Review and analysis of Issy 1815 (C3i Magzaine #32) in Vae Victis #145 (May 2019) and in Point d'Appui #535, Issy-les-Moulineaux's newspaper.

Review and analysis of Premieres Gloires (VaeVictis Wargame Collection) in Vae Victis #135 (August 2017).

Review and analysis of Ligny and Wavre 1815 (Ludifolie Editions) in Vae Victis #132 (February 2017).

Review and analysis of Arcole 1796 (VaeVictis Wargame Collection) in Vae Victis #130 (October 2016).

Review and analysis of Les Quatre-Bras and Waterloo 1815 (Ludifolie Editions) in Vae Victis #124 (October 2015).

Review and analysis of Hanau 1813 (VaeVictis Wargame Collection) in Vae Victis #119 (October 2014).

Analysis of The Berezina 1812 (Canons en Carton & Ludifolie Editions) in Vae Victis #112 (October 2013).

Review of The Berezina 1812 (Canons en Carton & Ludifolie Editions) in Tradition Magazine #266 (October 2012).

Complete analysis of Jours de Gloire Gampagne: Germany 1813 in Vae Victis #100 (September 2011).

Complete analysis of the Jours de Gloire series in Vae Victis Special Issue #12 (December 2009).

Analysis of Jours de Gloire Gampagne: Germany 1813 in Battles Magazine #7 (December 2011).

Interview of Pascal Da Silva, Jours de Gloire series art designer, in Battles Magazine #3 (January 2010).

"Posse quod velit. Velle quod oportet."

To be able to do what you desire, desire what is fitting.

Saint Augustine